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A Community Manager Who Went From No Gigs, To Three Blockchain Jobs After Training with EkoLance

Writer's picture: Eko LanceEko Lance

Sultan Mahmud, a blockchain professional that struggled with his blockchain career, but everything changed for him after he enrolled in EkoLance training. He got 3 blockchain jobs, built his own community from scratch and gets frequent freelance writing gigs from blockchain projects.
Sultan Mahmud

Meet Sultan Mahmud, a Web3 professional who has been in the blockchain industry since 2017. He struggled to progress in his career, but all that changed after he took two EkoLance courses: blockchain content creation and community management.

Sultan now has three blockchain jobs. Wow! What happened? How come the sudden transformation? Could it be that all he needed was just the right Web3 training to hone his skills all along? Well, keep reading; you will find out soon, but let’s first understand what motivated him to join the blockchain space and how his journey started in 2017.

Sultan was surfing the internet one fateful day in 2017, looking for ways to make money, then he came across a YouTube video about Bitcoin and blockchain. He clicked on it, and after watching for a few minutes, he got so interested, and that was how his journey started.

What do you think made him interested?

The first was how rewarding the space is, and secondly, he noticed that it was a promising technology that encourages innovation in many fields and businesses. He continued to watch more videos about blockchain and cryptocurrency; in fact, it became a passion for him.

A few months after learning about blockchain, he started building a career in the space. He became a community manager, and he began to get little gigs here and there, but they were not quality ones. This was because he was not properly skilled and did not know the dos and don'ts of his career. He was managing with the little money he was making out of it.

In 2019, Sultan started creating blockchain content, but clients didn’t pay much attention to him, and he found it difficult to get freelance gigs.

While facing all these challenges in his career, he was constantly looking for opportunities to improve his skills and earning power. Then he came across a 6-week community management training from EkoLance in May 2022. He applied, and he was super excited to get an acceptance email a few weeks later.

The community management training began in June, and he ensured he attended all the classes and did all the assignments and projects with his team members. The training equipped him with the skills to develop the best content and engagement strategies to build and grow a blockchain community. The training ended in July 2022, and he was one of the 64 professionals who graduated out of the 250 who got accepted.

Sultan also applied for the blockchain content creation training that EkoLance launched in September, and this time also, he got accepted. He ensured that he attended all the training and did all the assignments, and something interesting happened to Sultan in the content creator training.

A bounty program was organized for the content creators by one of the sponsors of the training, MetaGameHub DAO, a metaverse-infrastructure company. The bounty program was in three sections. The first tier was for the person who wrote the best project; tier 2 was for five content creators who attended all the training sessions, did all their assignments, and contributed actively during the sessions, and tier 3 was for everyone who attended the training program. Sultan made an effort to do his best so that he could at least qualify for the tier 3 bounty, but little did he know that something much bigger was in store for him.

Fast forward to when the bounties were distributed after the training. Sultan was one of the five people who got the tier 2 bounty, and he also got the tier 3 bounty.

“I was super shocked to be part of the Tier 2 winners. It was one of the best days of my life in 2022. I’m super grateful to Maria, the CEO of EkoLance, MetaGameHub DAO, and all the sponsors and tutors of the content creator training. Other companies collect money for training, but I was rewarded instead”— Sultan Mahmud, Web3 Content Creator, and Community Manager

For Sultan, EkoLance training helped him to boost his Web3 career. He is now inspired to create more content. He can boldly have an interview with any Web3 brand as his confidence in his skills has increased so much.

What made EkoLance training so valuable for him was the quality of the tutors. He will never forget how the trainers presented their slides and conveyed their information in a clear and understandable manner. He also found the practical assignment and projects valuable, and the real-life examples the tutors gave made the training more relatable and fun for him.

“EkoLance training is one of the best for Web3 professionals or anyone who wishes to transfer their Web2 skills to the blockchain industry. Also, EkoLance community is the friendlies I have seen so far”— Sultan Mahmud, Web3 Content Creator, and Community Manager

A lot has changed for Sultan after the training. He got 3 blockchain jobs a few months after the training. He currently has a community called Bit Byte that is growing rapidly. He achieved all these because he applied his knowledge of content creation and community management skills to build, grow and engage his community.

For the next 5 years, Sultan aspires to become a community manager or moderator for any of the top 100 blockchain projects in the space. For content creation, he wants to build a large community where people can learn about blockchain and crypto. Lastly, he also wishes to become a blockchain developer in the future.

Here comes the end of Sultan's career story from 2017 to 2022.

What an inspiring story!


Would you like to build a sustainable career in the blockchain space? EkoLance is your go-to company for free and quality tech and non-tech skill training. Also, upon finishing any of our training programs, you stand a chance of getting hired by our corporate partners or other blockchain companies.

This year, we want to impact 50,000 lives, and we want yours to be part of it. Anticipate the launch of more in-demand skills that will position you for success.

We offer frequent training programmes for various blockchain career paths. Visit this page to see our upcoming training and events.

Click here to read more about our just concluded blockchain content creation training.

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